Perfect Roast Potatoes

For this blog we have a delicious Roast Potato recipe using our Roast Potato Oil from our Roast Range! The Roast Potato Oil is Cotswold Rapeseed Oil infused with Rosemary, Garlic and Smoke. The Oil is perfect for creating the best roast potatoes ever, for your year round roasts!. I know in my family there is always a competition of who makes the best 'roasties' so now with this recipe you can be sure you'll beat all the competition.



  1. Peel potatoes and cut into quarters (or whatever size you prefer).
  2. Leave the potatoes in the water to rinse.
  3. Change the water, add potatoes and a good lot of salt (as salty as the sea).
  4. Bring to the boil then cook on a medium heat for 15 mins.
  5. Take off heat, drain and gently remove from the pan.
  6. Season with salt all over
  7. Leave to steam on the side for 30 mins (this is key).
  8. Then ruffle gently so the outsides are all chuffed up
  9. Heat oven to 200◦c.
  10. Whilst the potatoes steam add the Roast Potato Oil to a roasting tray and pop it into the oven.
  11. Then put the tray on the stove and put on a high heat. When the oil is almost smoking hot, carefully add the potatoes.
  12. Cook on one side for a minute, then turn so all of the potato has been coated in the hot oil then straight into the hot oven.
  13. After 25 mins place back on the hot stove whilst you turn the potatoes.
  14. Back in the oven for another 25 mins or so until golden and crispy all over
  15. Drain on kitchen paper, season and leave in the oven until ready to serve

We hope you enjoyed this recipe and we would love to hear your feedback! You can share the end result of you 'roasties' by tagging us in your pics on social media @rossandrossgifts. You can also leave some comments below on any suggestions you may have, we love to receive feedback!

To perfectly match your roast potatoes we have an incredible Roast Ham Recipe here.

Our British Roast Range:

Our new and spectacular British Roast Range was created with the idea to liven up the classic Sunday dinner trimmings. For example those roast potatoes, pigs in blankets and your ultimate roast dinner meats (and vegetarian/ vegan alternatives).

Within this range we have our award-winning Roast Potato Oil, our amazing Pigs in Blankets Dust, our mouth-watering Roast Ham Glaze our unique Brussels Sprout Dust and so much more!

Why not treat yourself and your dinner guests to one of our highly-rated Roast Dinner Kits?